Contact Us /

Here is how you can contact us (You can also visit the manufactures that we mention in products page, you may contact us to arrange your visiting.)

If you have any question you can send us by below form.

If you want send us sample please send it to our partner in Tehran. the exact address in Tehran can find below. (Please mention that write the mobile number [00989183661007] and name [Mahdi Ebrahimi] on the package)



OUR PARTNER ADDRESS (where you can send us your sample)

Setareh Talaee Delijan Carpet Co. (Patris Carpet co.)

postal code: 1589865431

No. 15 & 16 - Hafte Tir Sq. , Tehran - IRAN

(To sending sample, Please mention that write the mobile number [00989183661007] and name [Mahdi Ebrahimi] on the package)

We Are Here

OUR Address

Aris Commercial Group

Postal Code: 3791963945
Diyalame St., Delijan, Markazi, Iran

Phone: 0098-86-44228002

Fax:    0098-86-44228003

Mobile: 0098-918-3661007

Mobile: 0098-939-3661007

Whats app & Telegram: 00989183661007
